”The introduction of a novel treatment delivery technique as RapidArc™ asks for efficient and accurate methods to verify the calculated dose distributions. At the VU University medical center of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we choose to perform the patient specific QA in arc-based plans with both film dosimetry and with MatriXXEvolution measurements.
In contrast to film measurements, MatriXXEvolution measurements are displayed instantaneously and they provide a very fast way to verify the dose calculations. With the introduction of new techniques like RapidArc™, it is important to have a fast method to measure the stability of plan delivery in time, for which the MatriXXEvolution is a suitable detector.
We hope that in the future we can fully replace film measurements with MatriXXEvolution dosimetry.“
Dr. Wilko Verbakel
Medical Physicist, Dept of Radiation Oncology
VU University Medical Center
De Boelelaan 1117
NL-1081 HV Amsterdam
”VMAT is a very fast and efficient treatment delivery technique and it is thus imperative to have a time efficient QA tool. Verification of composite treatment plans has been the preferred approach for patient specific IMRT verification at the Department of Radiotherapy, Medical University Vienna/AKH Vienna since 2000.
Using a similar approach for rotational high precision RT techniques was thus obvious to us. MatriXXEvolution allows to perform QA in a very efficient manner and provides direct online and multidimensional information about dosimetric deviations.“
Assoc. Prof. Dietmar GEORG, Ph.D.
Head, Div. Medical Radiation Physics
Department of Radiotherapy
Medical University Vienna / AKH Vienna
Währinger Gürtel 18 – 20
AT-1090 Vienna
„We have used the MatriXXEvolution at St. Agnes Cancer Center for approximately 1 year and have found it to provide accuracy that is similar to point ion chamber measurements while also being an acceptable alternative to film for dose localization.
In addition, the use of the MatriXXEvolution has reduced our IMRT plan verification times by over 50% by eliminating the extra steps of film processing and digitization, and the conversion of point ion chamber readings to obtain absolute dose.“
Timothy Holmes, PhD
Director, Medical Physics/RSO
St. Agnes Cancer Center
900 Caton Ave, Baltimore, MD
USA 21229