IBA Dosimetry GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 5
DE-90592 Schwarzenbruck
+49 9128 607 0
+49 9128 607 10


Managing directors: Rob Plompen, Pierre Mottet
Public register: Amtsgericht Nürnberg
Registration number: HRB 4262 VAT ID number: DE132815519

We are checking regularly all information available on our website and try to have all information correct and up-to-date. Unfortunately mistakes or interleaves can not always be avoided. IBA Dosimetry excludes every liability for mistakes and interleaves. We can give no guarantee that all data presented is complete, correct and up-to-date. The information given on these sites are in no case a substitute for a professional and individual dialogue with one of our experts.

The product information on this website is no assurance for characteristics or a warranty. IBA Dosimetry reserves the right to change the information on these sites any time and without prior notice. IBA Dosimetry excludes every liability for damages that are caused by the usage of these sites.

Personal data that is upraised within this website is basically handled confidential and protected with appropriate measures. But we can neither take responsibility nor liability for the protection of data that is transferred electronically or technically.

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