COMPASS leads you into a new era in the IMRT/IGRT pre-treatment and treatment monitoring and verification. It provides truly independent analysis of the accuracy of your planned treatment and the dose delivered to the patient.


COMPASS is thus a system to increase precision and efficiency of the individual patient treatment and combines 

  • determination of dose distribution during patient treatment using a beam model, a detector measurement and a fluence reconstruction
  • display of the 3D dose distribution in patient anatomy
  • comparison of measured with expected dose distributions.

COMPASS software version 2.0 is NOW ready for Rotational Treatment!


The gantry angle sensing COMPASS 2.0 now

  • supports MatriXXEvolution with Gantry Angle Sensor
  • takes the real gantry angle into account for the 3D dose calculation
  • records measured frames together with the measured angle
  • displays and compares the predicted and measured response as a function of the measured angle for rotational plans
  • offers additional visualization options in the 3D dosimetric workspace for rotational plans
  • shows isocenter in all views



Your guide to next generation monitoring and verification

A (patent pending) method using a high resolution ionization chamber transmission detector and a Linac beam model allows exact fluence determination and comparison with TPS fluence.


Based on the transmission detector measurement, an advanced forward calculation algorithm subsequently reconstructs the 3D dose distribution in patient anatomy.


The 3D dose distribution is then compared with the TPS. A modern set of software tools incl. DVH allows for a side by side analysis of the two data sets either cumulative or per fraction.



COMPASS software is developed in cooperation with

RaySearch Laboratories AB.


Patent Pending - FDA 510k approved






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